Corporate Identity

Corporate Identity

The Right Fit for Your Company

We know that you want your company clearly represented when sponsoring a team or athlete. That’s why we take the time to ensure that your corporate identity is showcased through impressive designs and eye popping print quality in your company’s Pantone colours.

  • Example
  • Example

Create your Design

Design your very own custom athletic wear using our cutting edge 3D Designer. Pick from one of the numerous design templates and customise it with your graphics, logos, texts and colours.


Looking for a design that can’t be created using the 3D Designer? Take advantage of our Special Design Service .

Logos and Corporate Colours

Logos and Corporate Colours

We will accurately implement your company’s logos and colours. We will gladly send you a print proof prior to production (fees may apply).

Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression

We give you complete freedom when it comes to the design of your kit. Use our 3D Designer or send your drafts to our design team. You can find sketch layouts here.

Promotional Items

Promotional Items

We also offer fully customisable promotional items such as cycling caps, bandanas, etc.

We've worked with

... and over 25,000 other businesses

<?= Audi ?>
<?= American Express ?>
<?= accenture ?>
<?= ABB ?>
<?= Adobe ?>
<?= Allianz ?>
<?= AGFA ?>
<?= British Gas ?>
<?= Bundesministerium ?>
<?= bp ?>
<?= BNP ?>
<?= BAE Systems ?>
<?= BDO ?>
<?= BritishForcesGermany ?>
<?= Bristol-Myers ?>
<?= BMW ?>
<?= Bundesdruckerei ?>
<?= Continental ?>
<?= Conoco  ?>
<?= Caterpillar ?>
<?= Cisco ?>
<?= CocaCola ?>
<?= citi ?>
<?= Deutsche Bank ?>
<?= Deutsche Telekom ?>
<?= DHL ?>
<?= Deutsche Flugsicherung ?>
<?= Deloitte ?>
<?= dein Wien ?>
<?= DAV ?>
<?= Danone ?>
<?= EASA ?>
<?= EcolePolytechnique ?>
<?= EuropäischesParlament ?>
<?= Epson ?>
<?= Eon ?>
<?= EuroSportFrance ?>
<?= ferrero ?>
<?= Generali ?>
<?= francetelecom ?>
<?= Google ?>
<?= GECapital ?>
<?= fujitsu ?>
<?= INGDiba ?>
<?= Hitachi ?>
<?= Infinion ?>
<?= Ikea ?>
<?= IBM ?>
<?= intel ?>
<?= HapagLloyd ?>
<?= Olympus ?>
<?= JuliusBear ?>
<?= Jaguar ?>
<?= Mitsubishi ?>
<?= Miele ?>
<?= Longchamp ?>
<?= MettlerToledo ?>
<?= Linkaters ?>
<?= O2Telefonica ?>
<?= Nokia ?>
<?= Nestle ?>
<?= RollsRoyce ?>
<?= RolandBerger ?>
<?= RMHC ?>
<?= Oris ?>
<?= redbull ?>
<?= Porsche ?>
<?= P&G ?>
<?= RoyalAirForce ?>
<?= Phonak ?>
<?= Pepsi ?>
<?= oracle ?>
<?= SilliconValleyBank ?>
<?= StandardChartered ?>
<?= SonyMusic ?>
<?= SocieteGenerale ?>
<?= securitas ?>
<?= SNCF ?>
<?= Skoda ?>
<?= Sennheiser ?>
<?= Subway ?>
<?= Siemens ?>
<?= Scholz&Friends ?>
<?= SaintGobain ?>
<?= Zurich ?>
<?= VirginAtlantic ?>
<?= VirginActive ?>
<?= Thales ?>
<?= ThomsonReuters ?>
<?= vodafone ?>
<?= Visa ?>
<?= ThyssenKrupp ?>
<?= TomTom ?>
<?= Unilever ?>
<?= tui ?>
<?= Fraunhofer ?>
<?= USS_carney ?>
<?= Gazprom ?>
<?= Kärcher ?>
<?= shape ?>