Has coronavirus changed patterns of cycling usage within UK residents?

One of the hottest topics in the past couple of years has of course been the coronavirus pandemic. Nowadays, more so than ever, discussions are often held as to what effect this unfortunate “Corona period” might have had upon people’s lives. This particular study, initiated by an international sporting company, focused on determining whether coronavirus and all of the restrictions which accompanied it, have in some way interfered with UK residents’ use of cycling, be it for leisure, transportation or other purposes.
Those who participated in this study were predominantly women, of which there were 69%. The average age amongst all of the participants was 18 to 44, with 17% of them being between 45 and 60 years of age. Most participants have identified themselves as those who cycle for leisure. Then there are those subsequent 24% who engage in road cycling, followed by 15% of mountain cyclists and 9% of those who use cycling for commuting purposes.
Trend In Cycling Prior To Coronavirus
To identify any possible changes in the cycling pattern post coronavirus pandemic, the participants were initially questioned on their cycling habits prior to this period. Once again, leisure was one of the primary reasons for cycling followed by indoor gym cycling classes. Further 15% of the respondents used cycling as a means of commuting to work or their study engagements. Only around 7% participated in club cycling as members of a professional club.
Was There A Reduction In Cycling Activities During The Corona Pandemic?
As with most, specifically outdoor activities, cycling was also not immune to the restrictions and the pressures placed upon UK residents as the result of the corona pandemic. Whilst the respondents generally continued to engage in cycling activities very similarly percentage wise, nearly half of them opted to pursue this form of leisure/exercise indoors instead, using an indoor bike. On the other hand, quite a few, around 31%, resorted to alternate in-home sporting activities such as online home exercises, whilst public gym class attendance appears to have reduced to a mere 6%.
Means Of Commuting to Work/Study Prior To And Post Coronavirus Period
As opposed to the above mentioned change in cycling pattern relating to its use for leisure and/or exercise purposes prior to and during the corona pandemic, the pattern in the use of cycling for commuting purposes has seen no significant changes. Around 48% of the respondents have and continue to predominantly drive to work, with cycling being the next favourable option but with a highly lesser percentage of 24%. The remaining 28% either took public transport or walked to work.
Has Cycling Become A More Popular Means Of Transport to Work/Study Because of Coronvirus?
Apparently most participants negate the possible perception that the pandemic has had an impact on their decision to convert to cycling as the preferable means of commuting to work and/or study. However, 21% have remained neutral in their responses but if we consider the above mentioned lack of significant change in the cycling patterns, we can pretty much conclude the same.
Has The Trend In Cycling Really Changed Post Coronavirus Pandemic?
Inarguably, coronavirus has impacted upon many aspects of people's lives worldwide and as such of those in the UK as well. However, cycling surprisingly does not appear to be one of them according to the participants of this study. The study does show an increase of indoor cycling and implementation of other indoor exercises during the peak of coronavirus restrictions, however the essential patterns have pretty much remained unchanged and seem to have converted to normal as soon as the pandemic eased.